Tuesday, July 20, 2010

In Your Absence: We Got Good & Dirty!

This weekend Bella and I (along with Josh's family and friends) ventured out to Huntington Lake, CA. This trip was something Josh and I have been looking forward to taking together ever since we met. Josh has been heading to Huntington Lake since he was a wee laddy and often laments that we have not been there together. When we first started dating he would share his desire to let me experience its beauty and natural charm and he promised we would go one day.

Alas, it worked out that I was there without him but, I brought a representative that looks a lot like him -- Bella :) She's much shorter, more busy, and a bit more stinky but, she's my little Josh. When we arrived at the cabin, I immediately smelled the pine trees that he had so vibrantly described. The smell reminded me of Hume Lake (a camp in central California that both Josh and I attended as youngsters before we met). The view from the cabin was breathtaking and I remember just standing there, closing my eyes, and imagining Josh standing next to me. He would have been pleased to see Bella hit the ground running, searching for sticks and rocks and getting extremely dirty (which he loves).

The most hysterical part of the weekend was that it was all girls (well excepting Josh's four year old nephew Caleb of course). Josh's dad couldn't come because of work so that left me and Bella, Josh's mom and sisters and two girl friends. There were a few times where we lamented that it would have been nice to have a boy around (building fires, killing spiders, taking out trash) but, overall--it was girl power all of the way. And yes, I did kill a spider. It probably sounded to the neighbors as though I was dying by the sounds of the screams but, I did it! Spiders in California are giant and aggressive. I felt like I was in Arachnophobia the movie:) I even got nervous sitting on the toilets!

We did lots of hiking, lots of swimming, and lots of eating (which included smores and a lot of digestive issues for me, he, he). If you ask my nephew Caleb, it's pronounced "shhmores"--and he will not hear it any other way. We also got to do some paddle boating and sea dooing. At one point, the sea doo and paddle boat were mixed together and that resulted in a sinking paddle boat and everyone in the water-- not recommended:)

So the best part of the weekend for me was watching my little girl run full speed into 60 degree water (and not even care). She was literally in heaven all weekend. She got to dig in the dirt and spend time with family (great grandparents and great aunts and uncles). She loved every second, just like her daddy did. I took lots of pictures for Josh so he could be there with us. At night, in bed....I would get to thinking how sad I was for Josh not to be there with us. To watch his little girl experience all of his favorite things. That's the hardest part for me I think. The little memories that he can't experience with us. We missed you baby and wished every second that you were there. We did all of the things you would have done and I tried to be just as adventurous as you would have been with Bella. I got her good and dirty like you asked:)

So, that was our weekend. We love you daddy. We hope you enjoyed reading about our time away from you. We think about you every second of every day and pray for you at night. We are proud of you serving our country and excited about your ministry to the sailors. It's tough to admit but, they need you more than we do. After all, if one sailor gets to spend eternity with Christ due to your presence with them (and your absence from us), it is worth it! The seeds you plant by your presence will be cultivated by the Father-never doubt that my dear.

Endless love and juicy kisses form Bells.

My heart.

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