Thursday, November 3, 2011

Leaving Virginia

I'm sitting down to write this post as three men are methodically going through the house moving one room at a time into a LARGE moving truck that is, I fear, taking up too much space in the street. 

First, it is amazing how fast these guys are.  I will tell you if their "quick moving" is a good thing once we unpack our stuff, hopefully no major damage.  Second, this means reality is upon us; we are leaving Virginia.  Now I know what you are thinking, "Josh you're in the military and moving is part of military life."  I get it! But we are leaving Virginia.  I (Josh) have lived most of my life in three states (lets not count the time in Michigan and Kentucky), Texas, California, and Virginia.  While I will always have a place in my heart for Texas (I am proud of being born in TX... I'm just not a "TX is best" type person), and we are moving back to CA, Virginia has been the place where I have grown into a man.  It is the place where I met my wife, the place Isabella was born, the place we made our dearest friends, and the place that we fell in love with TREES and HISTORY!!! (Even Annie learned to enjoy trips to Williamsburg)

We are very excited about moving to California and being near family and friends, but we will be leaving behind the great moments and experiences we had here in VA as we step into this next exciting chapter in our lives.

So with a thankful heart towards God for all His grace to us in our time here.....we say goodbye Virginia.

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